Pierce College Council (PCC) members discussed budget allocation for the newly constructed buildings on campus, established a landscape and grounds task force, and approved the
Tag: Pierce College
Law enforcement visits Justice majors on campus
A black Chevy Tahoe with the words Incident Command Vehicle was one of the nine vehicles, owned by the California Highway Patrol, parked on the
Clothesline project helps victims of abuse
The Clothesline Project, which allowed students to share their stories of being abused in any way through writing on a T-shirt, was hosted in the
Students rally in protest of cuts in California’s education budget
Despite planning issues, the ‘Where’s the Funding?’ (WTF?) rally, a protest against increased budget cuts for California’s community colleges, continued as planned at Pierce
Academic senate announces student emails
Citations for those who smoke, one year delay for construction projects and a new Student Information Services (SIS) for students were some of the topics
Letter to the Editor
Pierce and Smokers If you are a smoker, Pierce is not an easy place for you. Most of the old “smoking areas” are gone and
Letter to the Editor
2.0 GPA! I believe this is what is keeping the competent students (3.0 and above) to come forward and represent the ASO. Low entry requirements
Sheriffs protect more than property
On a college campus the size of some small towns, two sheriff’s deputies aided by 13 security officers and 11 cadets are committed to keeping
Officers and cadets keep the campus safe one patrol at a time
During his routine patrol of the college campus, the sheriff’s security officer encountered three individuals placing flyers for a weight loss program on car windshields
ASO rents parking lot from district
The Associated Students Organizations (ASO) rents the college’s parking lot space from the district, said Brad Saenz, ASO advisor. Those students who have paid the