Under pressure because of a State Controller’s audit in Aug., the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees passed a measure to create a
Tag: Pierce College
Board supports taxing oil to fund education
The taxing of the extraction of crude oil for educational financing was supported by the Board of Trustees at a Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) meeting
Keep stress off building your Golf skills
Most students carry a lot of stress due to their classes, but there are units out there that could do the opposite. Pierce College’s Golf Skills
Bible study club hosts study session
The Christian Bible Study Club wants the students of Pierce College to know about the God of the Bible, according to Club President Manoa Razafimanantsoa.
ASO funds the campus
Illustration By: Maria Salvador The Associated Students Organization (ASO), the student government on campus, is responsible for funding a variety of clubs and
Mall marquee expected to be ready for use by Friday
The unused marque on the mall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills on Oct. 6, 2011. Photos by William Welles The marquee located in front of the
Orange Line crash near Pierce
A car ran a red light and was struck by an Orange Line bus at the intersection of Victory Boulevard and Mason Avenue Thursday morning.
Waste of bond money
The bond project money is being squandered on frivolous structures around campus. There is campus beautification and then there is just pointless spending. With the
ASO funds shrinking
Associated Students Organization (ASO) senators voted today on the first financial requests of the semester that were presented at the weekly ASO Senate Meeting. The