“Really Really,” a play depicting the aftermath of a college sex scandal, was Pierce College’s first virtual theater production that was performed impressively through Zoom.
Tag: Pierce College
Nurse blends her happy place and working space
Home for Beth Benne has been a place to get a job and enjoy her “happy place” on the porch sitting with her husband. Now,
Controversial statues still on campus
Since the widespread protests that erupted from the killing of George Floyd, statues across the country were torn down as a rise against racism. Now,
New member of Diversity Committee gets social
People often think of librarians as quiet people with their heads buried in books, but there’s one librarian who’s as savvy in the social media
Laptop delay
As courses transitioned online, COVID-19 exposed the digital divide with students who have access to reliable internet and computer access and students who do not.
Message from Snoop Dogg: Read the syllabus
Usually a syllabus goes unread … until Snoop Dogg tells you to read it. That’s what chemistry professor Benny Ng did. As a result, hundreds
No longer out of place
Despite Sofia Zaragoza’s academic achievements, she second guessed her abilities throughout her educational journey. “I often really felt out of place, and I didn’t think
Making a stand by taking a knee
In response to months of protests in support of Black Lives Matter (BLM), athletes have used their platform to bring awareness to social inequality by
Temporary return to in-person education
While much of Pierce has now officially transitioned online, some hard to convert classes remained on campus over the summer—with some minor restrictions. Classes at
BRIEF: Against systemic racism
Academic Senate members discussed a proposal against systemic racism. Resolutions listed in the proposal are intended to create a safe and inclusive learning environment at