Rocky Young Park was filled Saturday, May 7, with traditional Kathak dances and Katori Shinto Ryu Samurai performances as well as artists and a petting
Category: Campus Life
“Bonnie and Clyde:” Film panel discusses changing film culture
Cinema often dictates and directly shapes the culture of its time. While American culture today is accustomed to violence, whether in shows, movies, video games
Pierce hosts UCLA Day
Soon to be Bruins attended UCLA Day hosted by the Los Angeles Pierce College Transfer Center. The event focused on guiding newly admitted University of
Review: “American Alien” is a story of fear, hope and refuge
American poet Maya Angelou said, ”There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story.” It is for this reason that the show’s director, Shaheen
Preview: ‘American Alien’ elevates minority voices
The United States preaches about freedom of life and equality for all without going into the depths of what that conversation means for the people
Annual sexual assault awareness event
Associated Student Organization (ASO) set up its Clothesline Project at Rocky Young Park on Wednesday, April 27, for students to decorate and hang T-shirts with
Brief: Automotive class paves way for students
The founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, said, “Before you say you can’t do something, try it.” The Pierce College Automotive Center, which sits atop the
Students volunteer to help clean up the farm
The gates are wide open leading students to walk upwards on the dirt road and follow along this stripped path to where domesticated animals are
Performance showcase displays talent
The Pierce College music performance class presented a student recital on April 19 to showcase their skills. The performance started with Alezei Lozano, who sang
LACCD partners with Latino Theater Company
A melting pot seasoned with tradition, artistry and education, the Latino Theater Company gives a voice to underrepresented communities to spark dialogue and illustrate their